CSS Drive Blog
CSS Drive Redesign
Well, as you can see, the long overdue redesign for CSS Drive is now up! Apart from upgrading the visual look of the site, better usability and ease of navigation were my main focus.
It's true how things get easier with time. I remember with the first design, there was a lot of struggle to get the layout looking the way I wanted, and the process was long and torturous. This time around, everything was halved as far as time and energy put in. Things just flowed, and it was definitely more fun than work. I decided to go with a 3 column layout to present more information simultaneously above the scroll, to minimize scrolling up and down. However, certain sections remain 2 columns when it's more efficient that way. The site in general validates both in terms of XHTML Transitional and CSS except for a few sections that have rogue content on them.
Features wise, the main addition is a "Blog" section, which I will use to broadcast site and interesting web design news. I'm hoping to solicit a few good men to join in on the blogging as far as posting news and useful resources. Additional features and changes should come as soon as I iron out any bugs with the new layout.
Anyhow, hope you enjoy the new look, and let me know if you find any bugs or layout problems.
Comments (50)
Very nice! Much better than the old design. Now it's a lot easier to navigate and see all the content on the site. I like both the colors and layout.
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