CSS Drive Blog
Rating feature added
Hi: I've just added an ajax rating feature to the CSS Gallery section. You can now rate each design on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best obviously. Note that you may only vote once for each design, and for sake of efficiency, the results are cached and only updated every 20-30 minutes. This means after you've voted, reloading the page will still display the old results until the cache expires. Efficiency over intuitiveness I guess. :)
Anyhow, have fun rating a design!
Comments (68)
Nice feature, Ajax is the future and im glad, that you work on on the features of cssdrive. So i know, u gonna grown. But the only think i dont like, is that you update "only" every 30 minutes.
What about sharing the rating feature in a tutorial on the examples pages?
That would be great.
"The results are cached and only updated every 20-30 minutes." That's too much I think. Anyway I would love to see code.
Today I came the first time to your site. It's a really interesting site. But this blog-post is not really fresh. Are you writing more?
The blog isn't a blog, per se, more of a way for the administrator of the site to post announcements etc, at least thats the way it comes across ;)
For more 'fresh' news items, check the 'news' heading on the main page, to the right hand side.
AJAX and PHP give developers the perfect platform for creating interactive tools that allow users to perform non-critical tasks without having to reload a page.
AJAX is not a mission-critical system, so you don't need to worry about visitors being unable to use it because their browser is not AJAX-ready.
Ajax and PHP gives us the perfect surrounding to implement such eCommerce tools. It isnt new, but in another context. I think its worth to implement such features and models to improve the customer satisfaction.
thats right Ralf. Hope that promarkt.de will implement such functions as soon as posible. But i think you will do that.
Starting to love Ajax.
Why do you update your results only every 20-30 minutes?
With ajax you can give your visitors instant feedback without reloading the page. But when you start caching your results, you take that nice ajax function and timewarp it back to the stone age imho...
That's just something that i don't understand :)
I love Ajax! You have to try the ajaxload images. Search "Ajaxload" in google
If I where you, I would lower the cache to 5 minutes, or perhaps even no cache.
Hmm, no cache..Wouldn't do that.. 2-5 minutes sounds good I think.
Very nice, you are having a gift
I fully agree, that the rating is a nice simple future to improve interaction.
Yeah, I'm starting to love Ajax too Saku!
I have just integrated my first ajax option on one of my sites. Thanks for inspiration!
Did something like that too for my fun sms
Thanks alot for update of CSS Gallery section it helps alot. Cached and only updated every 20-30 minutes - good configuration. Greetings
jax and PHP gives us the perfect surrounding to implement. I think its worth to implement such features and models to improve the customer satisfaction.
In my opinion AJAX and PHP give developers the perfect platform for creating interactive tools that allow users to perform non-critical tasks without having to reload a page.Greetings.
Think this is one example of how Ajax should be used.. Indeed effectiveness over intuitiveness but for a good purpose!
If I where you, I would lower the cache to 5 minutes, or perhaps even no cache.Take care
I think these blog is really useful for new comers and Excellent resource list.
I think these blog is really useful for new comers and Excellent resource list.
Best Regards Timo
I love ratings :-) Nice idea! greetz accor
PHP gives us the perfect surrounding to implement. I think its worth to implement such features and models to improve the customer satisfaction.
Today I came the first time to your site. It's a really interesting site-Blog and simple answer of many questions.
Great job ! Congratulations !
i agree this site is so usefull
thankyou for taking the time to post.