CSS Drive Blog
To get a Mac or not that is the question
I'm currently considering digging deep into my wallet (and behind the sofa cushions) to buy a Mac. But if I sound hesitant, it's because of the reason I'm looking to get one.
You see, I've always been a PC and Windows user, and despite how some people will rip me for that, it's what I'm comfortable with. Furthermore, you can't miss what you've never experienced (a preemptive response to those who say Mac's OS is far superior to Windows). I already have three PCs taking up way too much space in my home, and the last thing I need is another metal box making more noise and raising the temperature in my living space. So what's my main consideration for shelling out major dough for a Mac? To run browser tests of web pages on the Mac platform as budding web designers may have guessed. But unless you have a better way to phrase that, it sounds awfully wasteful a reason to get a new computer for. So the internal struggle continues on whether to proceed, and after that, which Mac exactly to get- Mini or iBook. Wait, I think that struggle is more external.Comments (145)
There are ways to test a website on different platforms without buying new computers. I dont know off hand, but you should do some searches. If you want to pay, there are services on the web that offer this as well...
Good luck.
Yep, I've aware of those services, but don't they all only take screenshots of your page? What if I'm testing a JavaScript? I guess ultimately it comes down to whether I want to develop for Mac, and if so, I will need to get one. Maybe when Tiger comes out? Hehe.
You have 4 options...
1) Spot an internet cafe in your area who use macs... Some of them even offer membership...
2) Get a mac mini or an second hand mac... They may not be very cheap but if you really want one for testing at your place...
3)Linux... im not kiding... Konqueor (The most popular broswer on Linux) use the same rendreing engine than Safari. They may not be totaly identical but they come very close. Konqueor come with Knoppix, wich is a version of linux who can run from a bootable cd, so you don't have to make change tou your system...
yes 3)Linux... im not kiding... Konqueor (The most popular broswer on Linux) use the same rendreing engine than Safari. They may not be totaly identical but they come very close. Konqueor come with Knoppix, wich is a version of linux who can run from a bootable cd, so you don't have to make change tou your system...
E 'un peccato che non posso parlare ora - molto occupato. Ma osvobozhus - necessariamente scrivere quello che penso.
Il messaggio esatto
dont buy a mac!
I use Macs at home and for most things I find them to be perfect, OSX is a nice operating system in my opinion. Both of my machines also run Windows Vista via Bootcamp for when I need any PC specific tools ladies perfume (& games!) so I miss nothing, and all of my legacy software purchases can still be used. This setup works very well for me.
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Mac's OS X is massively based on BSD Unix, a POSIX compatible OS like Linux. But the resultant OS X source code is not available and it is definitely NOT free. All those modifications were not returned to the original BSD authors, but such behavior is legal under the BSD license. iwc watches
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Here is the joke that is absolutely apt, though I once promised I would never make it: "I play one on TV, but I am not a PC." It is true. I am first of all: not a computer, but a human being; and second of all: a Mac user, almost exclusively, since 1984. There was a brief period in the wilderness between 1997 and 2003. Let us not speak of it.West Los Angeles Chiropractic
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