I have this navigation menu that is horizontal across the top of my page but I need to add a drop down list to SERVICES. It is the the only one that you willl roll over and get a list of other links below it. So far I’ve not been able to figure out how to add those other links. I’m new to CSS and I’m just not getting this to work. Any ideas of what I can do or how to do it?
<!—Navigation item—>
<li>[url=“about_us.html”]About Us
<!—[if IE 7]><!—> [/url]</li>
<li>Services<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>
<li>Digital Press<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>
<li>Cross Media Marketing<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>
<li>Wideformat<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>
<li>Fulfillment<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>
<li>Contact Us<!—[if IE 7]><!—> </li>