Thank you for the open discussion in web design. It is a topic of much interest to me.
Firstly, Peter is the guy you call to receive professional and personable computer service (in Oklahoma). Peter is not espousing to be a professional web designer. You can obtain this information simply by reading Pete’s web site. Peter probably does well because he does his profession well.
Mr. Tim Berners-Lee provided us all with the W.W.W. platform to disseminate information and that’s exactly what Pete’s web site does (as does Jim’s). Mr. Tim Berners-Lee also chairs the W3C. Therefore, it is assessed that the W.W.W. is intended to be used appropriately. More than 99% of W.W.W. users (especially so-called professional web designers and SEO) abuse the works and efforts of Mr. Berners-Lee. Probably because the W.W.W. was freely given to us!?! Give people something for free and they WILL trash it!
Secondly, Pete only needs to ALT TAG his LOGO image for his home page to GREEN LIGHT. Observation and experience tells me that Peter is more professional at web design than 99% of so-called professional web designers.
(( Also, Pete should jingle me regarding his MAILTO TAG and php contact form~! Yikes~! ))
Lel, I am not sure what you are trying to say with these example web sites:
Beautifully-webdesign.net itself is professionally scripted, however, all the web sites (that I reviewed) which it showcases are anywhere from BAD to WORSE. Holy Cow, Batman!
eCreative itself sports 8 errors and 635 warnings. Personally, I wouldn’t even bother looking any further. It’s a showcase of unprofessional web design.
There is a distinct difference between GRAPHIC DESIGN and WEB DESIGN. Graphic design is only 1 component of web design. That’s obvious, yes?
A professional graphic designer needs to learn the profession of web design if that is what they want to do, as does a web designer need to learn graphic design.
Follow web standards and good design practices,
Al Toman