Adobe Dreamwever
Posted: 08 October 2010 07:19 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-08

I am trying to learn adobe dreamweber.What is the best way to learn adobe dreamwever?

Posted: 08 October 2010 10:10 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-03

I have learned it by myself, search for free tutorials on the web, this will help.

Posted: 09 October 2010 04:31 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  20
Joined  2010-03-23

The dreamweaver comes with a ready made template and tutorial. Observe how it is coded. Are you familiar with the markup language and style sheet?

Posted: 09 October 2010 08:18 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-10-09

i think dream waver is so easy to use and learn easy command on all tools. i like use dreamwaver.
web design auckland

Posted: 11 October 2010 08:54 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-11

Adobe Dreamweaver (formerly Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and is now developed by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.

Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side scripting languages and frameworks including ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP.
Dreamweaver allows users to preview websites in locally installed web browsers. It provides transfer and synchronization features, the ability to find and replace lines of text or code by search terms and regular expressions across the entire site, and a templating feature that allows single-source update of shared code and layout across entire sites without server-side includes or scripting. The behaviours panel also enables use of basic JavaScript without any coding knowledge, and integration with Adobe’s Spry AJAX framework offers easy access to dynamically-generated content and interfaces.

Dreamweaver can use third-party “Extensions” to extend core functionality of the application, which any web developer can write (largely in HTML and JavaScript). Dreamweaver is supported by a large community of extension developers who make extensions available (both commercial and free) for most web development tasks from simple rollover effects to full-featured shopping carts.

Dreamweaver, like other HTML editors, edits files locally then uploads them to the remote web server using FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV. Dreamweaver CS4 now supports the Subversion (SVN) version control system.
