Browser compatability
Posted: 21 July 2008 01:45 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2008-07-21

It’s my choice if I want to use IE and not FF and according to the statistics, IE users are still in the majority. Now I can understand that people want to promote FF, but what I think is really childish, and this site is just one example, to make the site 100% FF compatible and ignore IE compatibility, again, the majority of all Windows users. What’s the whole deal with this? Make it unreliable for IE users to make a point that IE sucks and that we all should really switch to FF?
Take for example this:

On the right are partner links. Click on them in IE 7 and nothing will happen. This is just intentionally; I don’t see any reason why a designer can’t make a link work on IE 7, it’s something so freaking basic. And I have seen many similar issues like that which have nothing to do with browser compatibility, to me it seems you make sure it doesn’t work with IE.

I’m getting sick of sites like this and many others telling me which operating system or hardware I should use. Mind you, maybe it wasn’t done intentionally, but you sure didn’t put a serious effort into it to make it IE7 compatible, otherwise I would never discover some many errors. Pretty sad for a site that promotes proper web design…sigh.

I have my own web site, pretty big if I say so myself and it HAS to be 100% compatible with Opera, IE, FF for both Mac and Windows. Guess what? Once you know the issues it’s actually pretty simple to get it compatible. No…instead you say “screw you, I like FF and you have to use it whether you like it or not!”

Trust me, that pisses all people who use IE of and like I said, still the majority. It’s a dumb way to design a web site of you ask me…sigh

Sorry for my rant, but I think it does express the way many fellow IE users think. Whether you delete my post, I don’t care, I just HAD to get this off my chest and feel much better now!

Posted: 19 October 2008 09:31 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  17
Joined  2008-10-19

well, now that you’re down off your pedestal, you’d REALLY hate my site then… I have completely disabled functionality for IE6 and below.

I think you hit the nail on the head at the very beginning of your statement though… It is PERSONAL PREFERENCE. If someone is the owner of a site… let them support what they want. It’s their site, who are you to tell them how to run it?

Posted: 29 September 2009 10:28 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-09-29

Im having probs with this one. Any updates on this thread? Hope to hear more from this thread soon.

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Posted: 10 October 2010 04:28 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-10

I am having similiar issues =(

Posted: 24 January 2011 09:50 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
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Joined  2011-01-24

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