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CSS is validated.
Div #Intro (directly under the “About Us” title) contains only a left padding value. #Intro is contained within div #HdsBodyBkgrnd, with margin and padding set to “0” (both styles included below).
Why then, is the #Intro div’s placement displayed correctly in browser view (it looks as if it has about an 80px top padding when in fact it has a 0px top padding), but the left padding of 39px is respected? Why isn’t it displayed flush against the top in a browser, as it is in design view (attached .jpg)?
More specifically, what property am I missing here that’s causing this top padding (or margin) issue?
Thank you,
#HdsBodyBkgrnd {
height: 559px;
width: 700px;
background-image: url(../images/2010HdsIndex2_04.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
#Intro {
padding:0 0 0 39px;