100% width and float problems
Posted: 07 August 2006 01:10 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-08-07

Okay im trying to code this here http://howbizarro.org/PC/pc.html. Here’s whats im having troubles with:

In IE: #content and #userbar (the blue bar thats in #content) are showing up below the last .innernav, and I would like them to be snug in that corner that the bg of #container makes with #links. And IE puts a huge amount of padding on my ‘s inside of inner nav even though i specify no padding

In FF:the bg of #container doesnt stretch to the bottom(probably something where I have to clear my floats tho).

In both: When I set the width on #content to 100% it thinks I want 100% of the viewport, and not of whats left in #container, is there any way to do this nicely?

And random question, do borders go on the outside and add to the set width, or do they go on the inside.

any help is appreciated THANKS!

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