I would say frankly, your site is beautiful!
However, my review would classify it as: INCOMPLETE.
It renders too differently ( and oddly so) between IE and FireFox.
While I use FF myself, I advise you to ignore the pseudo intellectual snobbery of those who refuse to code properly for IE6, the ‘bad browser’. With more than 70,80% of all desktops, IE6 is THE standard you MUST perform well on, regardless.
The blacks are to BOLD and jarring in contrast, you were approaching a nice soft pastel tone, I would suggest you keep that, and use high contrast on small areas only, and very sparingly.
Use text underline off on your bottom menu, you already change the text color and its obvious the item is selected..
Welcome to the Home of Whale World <—Lose this text, you already announce the site in the header anyway, and you make it difficult to read with the tiny white text on the intense black background
lose the black background, resize the text, and make it a bit larger point size ( say less as well - be more succinct: Think BILLBOARD not LETTER TO THE EDITOR.
Welcome to James Whale Website and Blog. This brand new website will soon contain a weekly blog by James Whale himself. Please feel free to email us comments and get involved with his website.
James’ Charity Website has been set up to help those affected by kidney cancer and to help fund research into kidney cancer. Visit the official website of James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer here. <—Hilight the important link with a font/size change and /or color (You WANT them to click there, right?)
maybe instead of using #000000 Black, use a subtler pattern (dark) or failing that, a less intense black like a dark charcoal or #333333?