Layout issues in FF
Posted: 14 July 2007 10:34 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2007-07-14

Hi Folks, just joined the crowd. Good to be here :-)

I shifted over from Tables to CSS layouts an year back and since been experimenting on code hit-n-check, sometimes with instant success and other times like the problem mentioned below :-)

I’m building a portal at Looks okay in IE6, but looks horrible in FireFox I’m also getting some minor errors in IE7, but its negligible. Right now, we are not concentrating about other browsers.

Am I doing some mistakes in my main page layout divs or in the css file where the styles are decalred ? I’ve tried several varaiations, yet I am not getting it right. So I’m forced to put a notice on the site sayings its optimised for IE only. I know its not fair :-( .

I’ve attached the php file and CSS file. Any help in the direction would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted: 15 July 2007 06:21 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2005-12-07

I just posted elsewhere in this forum about using existing CSS templates as the basis for your code.  Your site is a prime example.  I think your site could be adapted to use ruthsarian 3 column skidoo too layout, and in doing so it would have a consistent look in IE, firefox, opera, safari, etc.  Essentially you have 3 columns, a header and a footer, easily adaptable to the skidoo too layout.  Basically the layout keeps the columns in consistent locations across browsers.

Posted: 15 July 2007 06:23 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2005-12-07

actually, here is the page that will take you directly to skidoo too layout:

Posted: 15 July 2007 09:09 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2007-07-14

Thanks for the info, but I did see it early from a Google search. The CSS is really good and I’ll adapt it for another site I’m building.

But for the current site, I’ve created so many pages with references to various stuff in my current CSS file, that it would take one longa time to rework on the whole thing. So I was looking for someone to tell me where I’m going wrong with my divs. (somehow I’m better off with my divas :-) ).

Thanks again.

Posted: 21 July 2007 10:34 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2005-12-07


Oops, I did not consider that you might have many pages already coded.  Anyway, appears you have worked out the issues.  The site looks great.  :)

Posted: 22 July 2007 07:33 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2007-07-14

Jazz> Yeah, I’d already coded the pages…

But then I got hooked to the Skidoo , downloaded it, tweaked it with additions from my erstwhile CSS file and made it the default CSS file for the MCC site.

It’s probably one of the best 3-column stylesheets I’ve seen till now. I’m yet to understand the full usage pattern, but it works wonders :-) .

btw, how are you connected with Skidoo?

Thanks for your appreciation of the website, I’m building it single-handedly :-)

Cheers and Keep the Party Alive….
