Hi Folks, just joined the crowd. Good to be here :-)
I shifted over from Tables to CSS layouts an year back and since been experimenting on code hit-n-check, sometimes with instant success and other times like the problem mentioned below :-)
I’m building a portal at http://mcc.edu.in. Looks okay in IE6, but looks horrible in FireFox I’m also getting some minor errors in IE7, but its negligible. Right now, we are not concentrating about other browsers.
Am I doing some mistakes in my main page layout divs or in the css file where the styles are decalred ? I’ve tried several varaiations, yet I am not getting it right. So I’m forced to put a notice on the site sayings its optimised for IE only. I know its not fair :-( .
I’ve attached the php file and CSS file. Any help in the direction would be appreciated. Thanks