Hi, Im new to webdesign, Ive got a digital media background and have recently started teaching myself CSS and Dreamweaver. just wanted to let all you know that Iam no professional.
Now Ive been asked to collaborate with the design of a website for a personal trainer. Ive beend asked to say how much I will charge for the design and website, the problem is I have no idea what to charge and what will depend on what I charge…..
Its going to be a simple site and because Iam no profesional I reckon Im going to charge VERY little like lets say 200 euros or less for the website. I have no experience and just so you can see Im currently working on a website for my local aquarium(free of charge)
here is the link: http://www.elchevirtual.com/ACUARIO/
Its not finished, but this is my skill level at the moment, although its getting better and Im learning as I work more and more. SO I guess my question is….what could I charge for a site like this? is 200 for my current skill level too high?
Just some guidelines, cheers,