
CSS Gallery Mixed cols and rows, Unconventional Designs

Dann Whittiker Creative

Date: 05/12/2008
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Comments (15)

It looks great but having text as an image is a bit of a let down. Kinda hard to read and the navigation through me off a bit.

#1: Jack on 05/12 at 09:07 AM

I agree, but at least there is alternate text supplied (not just "alt" either, actual markup).

#2: ifohdesigns on 05/12 at 12:45 PM

nevertheless, never present text as img. bad.

#3: some guy on 05/12 at 01:05 PM

this is awful! How did it make it here on css drive!!!??
using image swap/restore for main menu, doesn't validate, image for text!! eeekk! My eyes hurt from trying to read that "image" font! redundant use of inline styles like "text-align: center"...yikes!

#4: a guy on 05/12 at 02:21 PM

Oh god, yeah I didnt even see the JS for the rollovers...what gives!

#5: ifohdesigns on 05/12 at 02:51 PM


#6: jjones on 05/12 at 04:08 PM

i don't comment much, i have a strong backgroung in web biz, this page amazed me. Dann hit the nail on the head. across the board. everyone has their personal prefs, those disregarded, the page is great!! i personally like it and may be biased, however, personal opinion set aside, he did everything right and it's congruent. I wish i had that ability.


#7: dave on 05/13 at 02:49 AM

Ha! looks like dave don't know much!...

#8: a guy on 05/13 at 11:17 PM

I APPLAUD the creativity of the design itself. I guess if you wish to hold the owner of CSSDrive to the CSS letter of the law okay.

I think we're knit-picking some creative design elements. While I don't do much with them myself... JS (prototype, scriptaculous, jquery, etc.) have all brought some nice additions to the web development arena.

If Dan's code was full of nested tables and NO CSS then complain loudly. It's about like saying is a Mercedes made with parts that ONLY Mercedes manufactures in house themselves... IF NOT... I can't accept the Mercedes.... or any other BRAND for that matter.

Complain... if you must I guess.

#9: cssdriveMIKE on 05/14 at 03:16 PM

The text image may have an alt attribute but it doesn't do what the alt attribute is supposed to do: serve the same purpose as the image it's describing. The alt attribute would be better saying "Agency Overview" then there should be a longdesc= linking to a page with the text that appears on the image.

#10: Amy on 05/15 at 12:48 PM
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