CSS Gallery
Mixed cols and rows, Unconventional Designs
Dann Whittiker Creative
Color Scheme
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Comments (15)
cok ıyı bır ıcerıgı var cıdden harıka ınsallah kendı sıteme uyarlarım ellerınıze saglık turkce okuyan bırı varsa :)
The text image may have an alt attribute but it doesn't do what the alt attribute is supposed to do: serve the same purpose as the image it's describing. The alt attribute would be better saying "Agency Overview" then there should be a longdesc= linking to a page with the text that appears on the image.
Funny how really bad designs get all the comments, and some of the nicest designs here on CSS Drive have no comments at all!
This design still stinks.
I love creative!
onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('creative','','images/buttons/sn_creative_u.png',1) --------> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!