CSS Gallery
Two columns, Brown color scheme
Falkner Winery
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Comments (6)
This ones been getting a lot of blog attention for reported design theft.
More at http://www.airbagindustries.com/archives/airbag/scab.php
I'll look into it later today, and if found true, remove this entry.
It certainly has gotten some attention. It has been tweaked a bit since then, but it did look like joyent.com and had wine bottles that were identical to corkd.com images.
I believe that one of the sites that was borrowed from (Joyent) was designed by Cameron Moll who wrote this article - http://www.sitepoint.com/article/copy-great-designers-steal
Would Cameron regret writing that article? Now people all over the place use that as an excuse or justification to steal - o sorry I mean "get inspired by"- designs.
Come on, this is way behond just inspiration. Read the airbagsindustries article.
GEEZ! Get a life dude! there a "gazillion" sites out ther...if you spend the next twenty years or so looking, you will find millions that look similar! stop whining and start designing!