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Jina Bolton
Note: Screenshot updated August 7th, 07'.
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Comments (32)
oh, i take that back. it seems you do have a site to showcase michael, although with a site like this http://www.pca-msr.org/mguthrie.html i can see why u'd like her design.
matt - you don't ahve to be valid 100% of the time, but when you claim to be, and have the links on ur site, then you should be. and what does microsoft have to do with her site? if it wasn't for microsoft the computer age would still be dead. microsoft is the only reason the world has advanced as far as it has in computing. just because Gates is rich doesn't mean you have to hate his company. i bet you use microsoft, don't you? so shutup.
Ha, see how poor of a "showcase" this site is? look at the comment numbers, they can't even count right.
Ok, a friendly reminder to everyone to please be respectful when debating. :-; I'll be deleting comments at this point onwards that I feel are out of line.
Luke, I was not going to continue, except that you are now attacking another person. Before jumping to conclusions, understand that the page you quickly googled is not a design of Michael's - if you view the copyright information, and view the URL, you will see that it is not Michael's website at all, but a page on the Porsche Club website - a club he is a member of. They designed that page.
Please do not attack other people in spite of me.
if you let yourself be displayed on a crappy page, then that in turn is your work too. you are a part of it, therefor he is a crappy designer.
Jina has made an excellent site and has made a great attempt to drive the web development community forward. If we continue to develope for old systems and obsolete browsers then we will never move forward and remain stationary. The great think about pc and mac development is we are people control its progress, we just need to be sure we keep stepping forward.
"you have to get an education to defend ur work?"
That's not what she said at all.
"haha, that's pathetic."
It's funny... I know you're not talking about yourself, but that's how it reads. Hmm.
"if you let yourself be displayed on a crappy page, then that in turn is your work too. you are a part of it, therefor he is a crappy designer."
Something that tells me that if I were to make a crappy page and include your head, you would be crappy as well. Funny.
Now, Luke, I do have a gut feeling you're missing some points here. About all of them. Reread Jina's words and think about them - I think you ignored most of Jina's words.
Admin: I upped the contrast a little bit on my input fields - do you see the fields better now?
I was using #eee for the borders, and I suppose that is too light for one on LCD monitors. :) Sorry about that. Thank you for pointing that out. :)
Yes Jina, I can finally now see the input borders (albeit just a tad light still)! Thanks for fixing that.
Ok, I'm going to have to take sides here. Luke, please cool it. Everyone's moved on already including Jina, but you're still attacking Jina. It's only having the opposite effect I assure you from people looking in.