
CSS Gallery Two columns, Dark or Black, Web Design Firms, Our favorites, Orange color scheme

Komodo Media

Date: 05/14/2008

Note: Screenshot updated May 14th, 08'.

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Comments (7)

I like the colors on this site very much. Although I am not certain what the significance of the mountain imagery is, I do find it to relatively clean and appealing. I would love to see if the designer could make this site more fluid to make better use of real estate on the screen.

#1: Thursty on 03/30 at 08:52 PM

I've seen quite a few sites with header images that don't quite make sense to me. I guess they could just be a decorative piece, or have some meaning only avid visitors will get. Hehe.

#2: admin on 03/31 at 08:00 AM

I just want to download the whole site..

#3: Maddy on 07/11 at 08:43 AM

Anyone heard of komodo dragon? It's not a mountain in the header.

#4: Slash on 05/27 at 02:23 PM

Since my original comment on March 30 of this year, this site has undergone a facelift. The mountain photo with the setting sun and the orange and grey color scheme is gone. In its place is lush tropical flora presumably reminiscent of the islands in Indonesia where Komodo Dragons live.

This latest iteration of the site continues the designer�s tradition of being a strong exercise in CSS design. The designer is clearly a talented artist as well as designer and programmer.


#5: Thursty on 05/29 at 04:21 PM

well done on an awesome site. the attention to detail of every element in the site is really great. must have taken a long time to create.

#6: mooty on 05/19 at 10:47 PM

Wow, that looks SICK. Nice job.

#7: Craig on 09/07 at 03:27 AM
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