CSS Gallery
Mixed cols and rows, Unconventional Designs, Web Design Firms, Brown color scheme
Leanne Wildermuth
Note: Screenshot updated Oct 11th, 08'.
Color Scheme
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Comments (4)
design it
Naveed, what are you referring to? Your site?
arf... looks good, One thing I always believed though, although there are some very nice looking Word Press sites out there, I think the "nuts and bolts" are "pre-developed" beforehand, so designers get a lot of credit for "developing the site, but in reality, they're really just creating templates...
So, this is a nice "template"...
Are you kidding me? I started from scratch. Would you like to see the blank stylesheet and empty template files I started with? It took me three weeks to develop this, and I had no assistance or pre-developed theme base, thank you.