
CSS Gallery Mixed cols and rows, Unconventional Designs


Date: 05/10/2007
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Comments (7)

I joined the Mormon Church some 45 years ago. I have never been sorry...It has made a better man of me. Investigators do not be afraid...The Anti Mormon things you will hear are 99% untrue,

#1: Carl Pringle on 07/21 at 09:40 PM

I have been a member for forty three years, I am thankful for the missionaries that knocked on my door and brought the truth to me. I know where I came from, what I am doing here and where I am going. I am thankful for living in America. I love all the brothers and sisters in the Church. I love our Prophet and all the other leaders. Anti-mormons are followers of satan. Please ignore them and find the truth. Sister Hague

#2: Elizabeth H. HAGUE on 10/06 at 03:44 PM

If anyone can help me please do so. I lost my ordination records for Aaronic and Melchizedik priesthood records and also my life time blessing.

#3: Kevin Donkin on 12/29 at 12:38 AM

You need to see the Bishop and he will have the records that will tell when the ordinaations took place and by whom. As far as your lifetime blessing the Bishop can tell you how to get a copy of that also. Good Luck. Liz

#4: Liz on 12/29 at 04:22 AM

To all our dear anti-mormon friends, now is the time to regain your testimony of the truth. The Lord will continue to forgive youre hatred until you repent, or until he says thats enough. We will always welcome you back, our love is unconditional.

#5: Jan Nel on 12/31 at 05:26 AM

I joined The Church March 13, 1971. It has been the source of great strength to me. I love the church and know that I am a better person because of the teachings of the church. If a person has a problem with the Joseph Smith story they need to look at the church. I call it coming in through the back door. A close look at the church and one would find Christ like unconditional love and goodness in every organization. it is truly a church made in Heaven to teach, sustain and promote eternal progression of the Saints. When one seeks the truth and truly sees the church, one can not know that Joseph Smith had to be of God therefor The Joseph Smith Story is true and the Book of Mormon must also be true.
I invite all those who are seeking the truth to look at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints with pure intent and earnest prayer and you too can know the rest of the story.

#6: Betty Moore on 02/06 at 03:23 PM

Great website I found your website trying to stay upto date on difrent methods on internet marketing . But came across your site . While i was here i decided to give a look at it anyway . Well if you are interested try looking at my site . Might not be waht you was looking for as well but sometimes what we do not seek is what we find we needed

#7: Christopher on 02/23 at 03:58 PM
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