
CSS Gallery Mixed cols and rows, Web Design Firms

Redbak Design

Date: 08/16/2005

You don't see too many four column designs, but this site pulls it off nicely.

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Comments (6)

The site is very plain and includes many features which do not even serve their purpose. Grade: 3 / 10
Comment: My graduate students could create something far better, with their eyes nailed shut...

#1: John Harworth on 09/15 at 05:29 PM

Thankyou for the positive comments, they are very much appreciated.
Please could you expand on '... includes many features which do not even serve their purpose' and i will try to rectify these.
I'd also be intrested to see some urls for these 'graduate students' to give me a indication of the errors im making. Obviously we are always trying to improve so all comments positive and negative are welcome.

#2: rebak on 09/18 at 08:12 PM

yeah, not sure what John was talking about. This site is minimalism done well. I could see the font size perhaps being an issue some people. Other than, this is a very nice, clean site.

#3: Ben on 11/15 at 08:33 PM

nice clear layout, font size is a little small perhaps.
A couple of points:
The titles for the main sections 'core services', 'clients', 'news' and 'contact us' are images and for what they are they do not need to be!!
Also, if you are going to include buttons implying the pages validate to w3c standards, it may worth checking they do. http://www.redbak.com/ does NOT validate using the xhtml validator. The CSS validator won't even start because of an error in the page code.

#4: marywk on 07/11 at 08:23 AM

Picture looks good but site is under developement.

#5: day trading on 10/30 at 02:19 PM

When my husband was diagnosed with liver cancer and hepatitis C, I turned to drugs instead of God. When I had reached my lowest point a friend held my face in her hands and said three words that changed my life, "JESUS LOVES YOU." We began going to church. Our pastor prayed for my husband and three weeks later, when my husband was tested, they found nothing wrong with his liver and his blood tested normal. I have been drug free for a year and my entire family is saved and looking forward to Heaven. Being a Christian is not easy, because Satan does not want to let go of you. But we have to pray and have faith that the Lord will protect us and He will. Cynthia. "The prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up..."
Regards, Parkins
drugs in system: cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, nicotine

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