CSS Gallery
Mixed cols and rows, Clean & Clear, Black color scheme
Team Unwired
Color Scheme
- Hovered color:
- Selected color:
Comments (10)
0 out of 10! all of the content are jpegs! this site breaks so many rules, its just unbelievable! all JS and images... yikes! if this kind of coding was illegal, the person who designed/coded that site would get the chair! oh my! WHY IS THIS FEATURED ON CSS DRIVE!!!!!????? x(
Nice design! Love the black and white photos.
The site is mainly images and not really a conventional CSS site, but its still table-less. So I guess it qualifies as a CSS design. I'm sure the CSS Drive guys must have some screening process, so if it is showcased here, it must meet their requirements.
whoever "screened" this site must have been sniffing glue... this site doesn't even qualify to be considered a "site"... com in, images for ALL of the text!?... that just blows... "crap!"
They may have their reasons for doing it this way... font styling maybe?
Font STYLING!!!???? are you drunk? that's so ridiculous, I am speechless! oy vay! is this what the industry is coming to? that's why there are thousands of web designers willing to offer "full blown sites for $500"... they create dogs like that site...
Again... Why is this site featured on CSS Drive!?...
evet hoş olmuş elnie saglik dostum
It is certainly JPEG, and he is using < center >.
but, it is beautiful. I like this design.
heh, this web site is a photo gallery!
I thought this was CSS Drive not Image Drive.
should be on a Photoshop site... photoshopdrive?