
CSS Gallery Mixed cols and rows, Corporate or Professional, Our favorites, Yellow color scheme

The Spirit of Toys

Date: 05/27/2010
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7.4/10 from 34 votes

Color Scheme


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Comments (9)

nice desgin.

- <h1>Bosch Servisi Bah�elievler</h1>

#1: Bosch Servisi Bah�elievler on 05/29 at 08:20 AM

I like the concept of your design. IMO I think you could work on the colors a little bit. However, its still a good looking website.

Brisbane Web Design

#2: tony on 05/30 at 07:54 PM

Lovely colors, easy to navigate layout and yet looking great, not too simple
Best, Jack from Riding Mower

#3: Mower Jack on 05/31 at 12:24 PM

like it

#4: 3d Tasarım on 05/31 at 02:42 PM

Tony is right, you need to work with the colors to be able to get the perfect combination. I like how you manage everything. Aside from that, everything seems to be perfect.Sam Jones

#5: Sam Jones on 06/02 at 10:39 AM

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#6: sfdsdsd on 06/03 at 03:41 AM



#7: asdsdsdd on 06/03 at 03:42 AM

The design of it looks very great! I mean the theme is about toys so it match the colorful design of it.Jack Mower

#8: JackM on 06/04 at 05:00 PM

Cute design. Easy to navigate.
I love it. Daus

#9: Daus on 06/10 at 12:36 PM
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