CSS Gallery
Two columns, Clean & Clear, Horizontal CSS Menu, Liquid layouts
VNC Church
Color Scheme
- Hovered color:
- Selected color:
Comments (3)
The design is simple. I would make some changes as follows:
1. I would work on the color scheme of the header in order...
a. ...to have a better color scheme
b. ...to have a smoother transition between the colors
2. I would design and include a logo in the site.
3. I would find a solution for the better integration in the general structure of the secondary menu - URL: www.valponaz.org/connect/index.php
This site could be one of those which are awesome by their simplicity...
Zoltan Sebestyen
Inspired by thecity.org...
Actually that color scheme is nice. It's not the usual bright web 2.0-ified scheme but that's OK. And maybe those are their colors.
Respiro, If you mean an icon to accompany the logotype, not every organization/site needs that. And that isn't necessarily the job of the web designer. Logo design isn't something that should just be "thrown in" with web services. Maybe this designer isn't a logo designer and wasn't paid to provide that service.
The secondary nav could be integrated more smoothly though.