CSS Gallery
Three columns, Dark or Black, Web Design Firms
The large empty space at the top may not be to everyone's taste, but overall, just a very sleek design. Code is as clean as a whistle too.
Color Scheme
- Hovered color:
- Selected color:
Comments (6)
Thanks for including my site onto your list,you made my day. The space was intentionally left blank for the the new product that I'm working on. I just didn't have time to finish it on time :-(.. Once again thanks!
I love the use of color on the black background as well as the layout. It is different but not too over the top. Nicely done.
This is gorgeous! His use of color is brilliant, getting around is simple, the whole site is easy on the eyes and a pleasure to visit. One of the best designs combined with great usability I think I've ever seen :)
Very nice color sheme, i love it. Well done job.
Superb site, great use of colours, good content too.