Resident of planet Mars and athletics watcher. Do care to keep an eye on movies and go to the flicks. Fortuitously arrived in 1963, A youngster of the stimulating 60s. I went to the local school studying common subjects until we had the alternative to pick out our courses, that is when I focused in the topics I was interested in and set about to relish every day. Enjoy going on vacation and like the skiing type holidays, they suit me best but unfortunately I do not yet have sufficient money to go on vacation enough.
Have experimented with origami, painting, fencing, dog handling and cycling as quick fix spare-time activities but household duties have stilted the time available to fully participate in these as I want, maybe they will be actions for the forthcoming years. Also began to be involved in the allotment as my wife has set out to grow vegetables. I produced tomatoes, potatoes and limes this year. The pumpkins and peas were a full-scale disaster as the bugs got at them.
I am very interested in soccer at the present moment and am attracted by the conspicuous sports sites. I am making some research on how people get active in sport and how it can play a part in their lives so any view or angle on it is of interest to me at the moment. The recent world cup was spotlight of the last 6 months for me. Viewed virtually all the matches although the wrong squad won in the end.
Have been a temporary diarist at college and this has remained as I have left university. Have tried out contemporary blogging and have set up a new web site at trendsetting gossip . Creating frequent content is starting to be a irritation as my day job naturally takes my free time away. Girlfriend, now wife, keeps me centered on the real job and not the online experiment.
For my real job I have been active in the house breakdown scene. I am trained as a maintenance engineer and can do most repairs around the household. Yes I also tried out with an online internet site at british gas plans to get my home maintenance views out but this has not succeeded. Must be the want of dependable updates and there is no problem on the deepness of my skills be it operating a central heating system or clearing out clogged pipe work.