
CSS Drive Menu Designs Horizontal menu designs

Description: Black and blue image tabs.

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Comments (4)

This thing is really nice. I like how it uses one image and how it uses the underline in each word to show the accesskey. Very well done!

#1: Frank on 09/05 at 12:05 PM

I love your choice of colors. Your use of accesskeys is a great touch that gives the menu a clean and suttle touch.  Nice work.

#2: Chris H. on 09/05 at 12:29 PM

Its very nice menu, could you inform me for the code or tutorial ?
i need for my joomla cms site.

#3: JoomlaPanel on 09/07 at 01:38 PM

color looks nice, very usefull

#4: Webdesign on 09/12 at 08:29 AM
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