CSS Drive
Menu Designs
Vertical menu designs, Multiple Levels
Description: A no frills vertical list menu with a light gradient line dividing each menu item. The selected and currently active items get a more pronounced shaded background image.
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Comments (4)
thats fine
#1: davegrygl on 11/18 at 06:50 AM
looks good!
#2: Navneet on 03/11 at 11:23 AM
Where’s the coding for it?
Clicking the image only leads me to some Mozilla site, but where’s the coding for this menu?
#3: Adam on 08/08 at 12:34 PM
CSS “Cascading Style Sheets” Lessons
css list style Properties and examples—http://css-lessons.ucoz.com/list-css-examples.htm
#4: Non Reciprocal on 08/10 at 10:53 AM
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