
CSS Drive Menu Designs Horizontal menu designs

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Comments (7)

Thanks for including our menu guys, we really appreciate it. :)

#1: Dalibor Vasiljevic on 05/19 at 01:32 PM

Awesome effect really nice !

However, when the page first loads all items have the effect underneath. Same thing if Javascript is disabled. You might want to initialize the css property for the opacity in the stylesheet first.

#2: Jacob on 05/19 at 07:05 PM

yes, nice but a bit buggy…

#3: a guy on 05/19 at 08:57 PM

It can be solved via CSS and JS, I also noticed this effect. However, I will update script and notice you. Thanks for comments.

#4: Dalibor Vasiljevic on 05/20 at 04:48 AM

Nice and clean. Thanks.

#5: web design gold coast on 05/20 at 10:46 PM


#6: WQ on 05/25 at 06:04 AM

it’s so beautiful.. thank you..

#7: Oyunlar on 06/10 at 12:33 PM
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