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20 Font Driven Websites Showcase

20 sites where typography plays a front and center role in the site's overall design.

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The Ultimate Guide To Wordpress Hacks And Customizations

If you're looking to add new features or functionality to your Wordpress blog, the chances are someone has already created it. This article organizes and lists some great Wordpress hacks.

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20 Free Web Based Logo Creators for Creating your Logo more Easily

Not everyone can afford to hire a logo designer. Here are 20 free web based logo creators to help the DIYers.

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50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources

If you're a Typography junkie like me then you should take a look at Smashing Magazine's awesome roundup of tools and resources.

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Free Money!?

As web developers, it's important that we generate an income through our websites. MFC uses a simple method to monetize a website with targeted advertising!

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Aesthetically Pleasing or Effective Layout?

A writeup on whether an Aesthetically Pleasing web design is more important than an Effective Layout.

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40 Inspirational Blog Comment Designs

A look at some great and unique blog comment designs.

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30 (NEW) * High Quality Icon Set for your Dock

Fortunately, there are some excellent free icon sets available that offer very high quality icons. In this post we will feature 30 Dock Icon sets that are totally fresh and free for you to download for your Mac. Keep these icon sets handy and they will meet your needs when you want to change your mood.

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