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The Perfect Pop-up

Methods that use unobtrusive JavaScript and CSS to trigger the pop-up, and all references to inline event handlers have been removed

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Most hired

Looking for a great web2.0 job ? Find them all in one place ... Most Hired aggregates all the jobs from the popular job boards for your access in one place.

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“Viral Marketing” is your Buzz Word of the year

While many of us trying to innovate the industry laugh at these buzz words of yesterday -- we need pay attention

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Rules and Context

Andy Rutledge talks of Rules and Context in art and design and sums up the difference between art and design.

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CSSplay: A new simplified flyout menu

A new five level flyout menu with overrun and overlap and simplified CSS styling.

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PicFindr: Free stock photo and image search

PicFindr searches the web for stock photography that is completely free to use commercially.

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IE 7 does not resize text sized in pixels

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com on how IE 7 does not, repeat not, resize pixel-sized text

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Google Gives Personalized Homepage “Personality”

Today Google launched 6 new themes for its Google Personalized Homepage.

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