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The Top 10 Lies of Web 2.0

San Francisco Chronicle examen's two lies of Web 2.0 in preparation for the Web 2.0 conference

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Is left-hand navigation evil?

The issue is not with the design of the left-hand navigation, but how it's used

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Super-Easy Blendy Backgrounds

Matthew O'Neill of A List Apart on using PNG graphics for blending gradient backgrounds with CSS

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In Defense of Difficult Clients

Rob Swan of A List Apart on clients -- difficult clients who require education represent the ultimate test.

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Introducing Ergonosearch

Ergonosearch is a vertical search engine about accessibility and usability, indexing only selected quality ressources

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CSS Thick Tabs

These CSS menu tabs use thick top/bottom padding to achieve a well cushioned look.

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Bar Code Revolution

Design elements integrated into product barcodes

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Joe Dizon on starting your web standards journey

To persuade other up-and-coming print designers to embrace web standards as they start on the web

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