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Design News

Creating an Image Gallery

I hate using 3rd party image galleries, i'm sure you do too! Check this unique tutorial out that teaches you how to create your very own Gallery!

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Fluid Layout Tutorial

A simple yet to the point four step tutorial on how to create a fluid two column layout page.

Your Votes: 14 Yays  7 Nays

Floating Elements Trick

Learn how to prevent floating elements from overlapping their parent container with this new quick and easy fix!

Your Votes: 14 Yays  5 Nays

CSS Gallery Attacks

Css most updated galleries with quality designs is what makes a difference to us, thats why we are taking this chance to showcase the best CSS Galleries around the globe and vote for The Best Ones.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  11 Nays

The Amazing Audi R8 Review

Guy Roman shares an amazing review of his brand new Audi R8 and details how it performs, how it drives, and how it feels to own one of the most amazing cars in the world!

Your Votes: 17 Yays  3 Nays

Expression Engine 2.0 File Manager preview

A sneak peak into the File Manager portion of the upcoming EE 2.0 CMS.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  6 Nays

Popular Photoshop Tutorials

A list of the top Photoshop tutorials online that includes everything from special effects, lighting techniques to even header design tutorials!

Your Votes: 8 Yays  3 Nays

Input vs. Button

A look at the practical differences between INPUT and BUTTON.

Your Votes: 15 Yays  3 Nays

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