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Modern.IE browser compatibility tools

A new Microsoft site offering tools to ensure your site is coded using best web standard practices and for maximum compatibility with various versions of IE, including legacy ones.

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PlaceIt screenshot over environments service

PlaceIt allows you to upload a product screenshot and place it within the context of various different environments, such as inside an iPad held by a man sitting in the park.

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JavaScript Garden

A growing collection of documentation on the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language and how to avoid common mistakes.

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Photobox image gallery

A lightweight thumbnails and image gallery script that uses CSS3 for silky-smooth animations and transitions.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  5 Nays

DD ScrollSpy Menu

DD ScrollSpy Menu lets you define a menu whose items are automatically highlighted based on the portion of the page the user is currently viewing.

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Customizing Order List style using CSS

This CSS code demonstrates styling OL lists by first getting rid of the default ones, then using CSS generated content to create custom counters instead.

Your Votes: 2 Yays  2 Nays

Multi-zoom Image script

This practical jQuery script lets you add zoom capability to any image or group of thumbnail images.

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Batch 300 icons

A lovingly designed and crafted suite of 300 icons for web and user interface design. Now free.

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