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HTML5 Boilerplate

A base HTML5 template to give you instant cross browser access to the core HTML5 and CSS3 features inside a webpage.

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Box shadows animating using jQuery

This jQuery plugin extends the default animate function to support the CSS box shadow-property, animating it in some cool ways.

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How to write a simple application on jQuery Mobile

This article looks at how to create a simple jQuery Mobile application.

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32 Javascript Alternatives with Pure CSS

CSS solutions that typically are associated with using Javascript to accomplish. Includes button effects, menus etc,

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CSS Only Lightbox Viewer Using CSS3 Transitions

A case of CSS replacing JavaScript completely to create a intricate lightbox.

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CSS Circle Menu

This CSS example uses CSS3's border-radius property that's set to a very large value to create circle menu links.

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How to Create a Mobile Version of Your Website

A look at the essential techniques you can employ to optimize your web site for mobile viewers.

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Pure CSS3 Post Tags

This article illustrates the use of two CSS techniques, CSS triangles and CSS circles, to create cool looking "tags".

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