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Dynamic CSS Changes

When changing the appearance of a site through the use of JavaScript, we usually see developers either switch the stylesheet of the page or change the class of an element.

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Color: An Investigation

A delve into one of the most importants elements of any design: Colour. One of the basic tools that designers can use when building a composition, yet we rarely notice it, apart from when it is used at its worst or best.

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Create A Simple Liquid Layout

John Oxton explores how to make a simple but effective liquid layout, which will work across browsers and uses absolute positioning.

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Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

37 Signal's on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” -- being completely involved in an activity for its own sake

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Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers

Being a successful designer does not only take (creative) talent, or technical skills but in fact a whole lot more

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Playing with CSS selectors

Allows you to type advanced compound CSS selectors into a field and see the results live on the same page

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Newly Supported CSS Selectors in IE7

Become aware of the things these newly supported CSS combinator tools will do for you.

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Free Copy of Beginning CSS Web Development

There's a fun little contest over at John Oxton's site; the prize is a copy of Simon Collison's book Beginning CSS Web Development: From Novice to Professional

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