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Introducing Last.fm

Great design and an amazing service for the music lovers. Listen to something new. Last.fm radio learns what you like and gets better.

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It’s the content, not the icons

What's with all the social bookmarking icons at the bottom of every single friggin' blog post out there?

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Frenetic Freelance

Jonathan Snook on deciding to go freelance full time

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Use AJAX and PHP to Build your Mailing List

Arron's email subscription management script, which uses the Prototype library to interface with a mailing list database in PHP

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Design Highlight: F.Prod

Gregory Fortin replaced his Flash effects & dove into Prototype & Script.aculo.us to create F.Prod, his site that looks like a business card

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Accessibility statements or Site help pages?

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com on accessibility statements

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Introducing Browsershots

A free online platform where you can test your web design in different browsers.

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Microsoft Packaging for Vista and Office 2007 Revealed

Designed to be user-friendly, the new packaging is a small, hard, plastic container designed to protect for life-long use

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