Design News
Conversation With XHTML 2 Team
Steven Pemberton, chair of the HTML Working Group at W3C, about XHTML 2.
How did you get into Web accessibility?
Roger Johansson asks, what made everybody get into Web accessibility?
Interview with Jeremy Keith
Jeremy Keith talk about the new book, how he approaches AJAX with a mind to bulletproofing, and the pitfalls of over-AJAXing user experiences.
Introducing swfIR, swf Image Replacement
swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website.
Semantic Flash: Slippery When Wet
Although the brilliant option of the hybrid site had always existed, it's never really made it far past the typical Flash intro on a corporate homepage.
Where Our Standards Went Wrong
We can all agree that the realities of the web make it hard to build a standards-compliant site
Browser testing CSS and JavaScript
Roger Johansson of on his own approach to testing CSS and JavaScript during development