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Greasemonkey Technorati script

Joost has compiled a Greasemonkey script to see the Technorati rank and the number of inbound links of a page while viewing it.

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Introducing WoodPixel

Create your own pixel art using wooden blocks -- some computer fun away from the screen.

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Adobe Uses del.icio.us to Connect with Customers

You can find bookmarks related to their products including Acrobat, ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign and PhotoShop

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Online Presentations 2.0

Online PowerPoint presentations are now accessible and sharable with two new free online Web 2.0

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Did you know Photoshop could ... underline text and spell check?

These are two must-know Photoshop techniques that every web designer should be aware of

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Applied Empathy: A Design Framework for Meeting Human Needs and Desires

Explains three Dimensions of Human Behavior, as well as specific needs and desires for which we can intentionally design products

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introducing Dapper

A service enabling anyone to use and reuse any web-based content is now open to the public and promises new features and improvements

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Web 2.0: The Poster

Berlin-based eboy put this web 2.0 poster up a few days ago

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