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Create draggable and resizable elements in MooTools

A beginner's tutorial on creating elements that are draggable/ resizable in MooTools.

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Glossy Blogging Icons Set

12 free shiny and modern icons for your blogs.

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Learning About The Animation Abilities Of jQuery

An introductory tutorial on adding animations to your page elements using jQuery.

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Vector Pack Heaven

Dozens of the highest quality vector packs online free for you to download, all in one spot. A great source, almost bookmark worthy too!

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Clean and pure CSS FORM design

One of the many takes on a pure CSS based form layout.

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jQuery Secrets

James from Enhance demonstrates a couple of intermediate-level features of jQuery.

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Blackhat CSS Tricks

Even CSS is used by blackhats these days! Here's a trick on how to swamp your site with authority links and not get penalized!

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13+ Fantastic Tools For Knowing How They are Doing It

A comprehensive list of more than 13 online tools that can help you figure out what your competitors are doing and how they are doing it.

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