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Authenteo: Ajax WYSIWYG CMS

The holy grail of a usable WYSIWYG CMS system where users build their website by just being on their website and editing layouts and pages

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Design: It’s easy to like it after it works

This is hilarious!! Two minute flash riff about how clients abuse the flags of the world as presented by their agency

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CSS Styling for Print and Other Media

There are many different media types that you can apply to CSS, some of which are more useful than others

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Ten ideas about Ideas

Doc Searls of Linux Journal on Ideas

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May The Source be with you

Completely Geeky -- but you may be into that sort of thing; a funny read (maybe)

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CSS: Browser testing order

Insight into Stuff and Nonsense's current CSS/browser testing order

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W3C Change: Full Independence

Eric Meyer wants to see the W3C run on an endowment instead of membership fees

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Digg Case Study: Why techies are an important audience

Nisan Gabbay, formerly of Sierra Ventures, covering the early success of Digg and what their current valuation might be

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