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Reducing Your Website’s Bandwidth Usage

What can we do to reduce a website's bandwidth usage?

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Variables in your CSS via PHP

Create 'color constants' in your CSS, and more interesting, create randomly generated paths for the backgrounds of DIV's.

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Five Principles to Design By

Fundamentals of how to design for usage by others, not just yourself.

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Introducing nclud, a new and very talented creative web design agency

I have something very exciting to announce; the launch of nclud, a creative web design agency

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Web design basics

Collection of small articles covering the design process, usability, website architecture and more.

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position:relative and overflow in Internet Explorer

Jonathan Snook in discovering and fixing an IE positioning bug

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FeedBlendr - Feed Remix Service, Handier Than Yahoo! Pipes

FeedBlendr is a web service that lets you remix your feeds.

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Weebly Relaunches

If you are interested in the WYSIWYG race, then you have probably checked out Weebly

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