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Design News

Fixed Page Layout Tutorial

One of the shortest Fixed Page Layout Tutorials I have ever seen online and it actually works, like a charm! Great examples too.

Designer Resources

Here's a great list of Design related resources I found while doing my daily rounds this morning. From design blogs to font sites and tutorial havens, love the list.

Phototype: image manipulation with Javascript

Phototype is a client/server-side script that enables all kinds of image manipulations.

Performing GET and POST requests using Ajax

A frank and gentle tutorial on Ajax, covering important topics such as fetching XML and JSON files using it.

CSS Decorative Gallery

A very cool CSS trick that helps you decorate images and photo galleries without editing the source images

Goosh- Google Search Shell

It's Google Search, but wrapped around a simulated Unix shell interface. Geek's paradise?

jQuery 1.2.6 released

jQuery 1.2.6 has been released, which apart from speed improvements, most notably integrates the well known Dimensions plugin.

Facebook Sliders With Mootools and CSS

Create a dynamic slider using Mootools and CSS.

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