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Design News

Khoi Vinh on Print vs. Online Design

Khoi Vinh, design director of nytimes.com has a brilliant post that distills a lot of the thoughts about print designers and the web.

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The Elements of Design Applied to the Web

Good article with graphic examples of the basic design principles as they are used in web design

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Photoshop: Then and Now

Andrei Michael Herasimchuk on the evolution of user interface design.

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404 Error Pages: Reloaded

Over 40 working examples of user-friendly, creative and outstanding 404 error pages

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Web Typography - 40 sources for inspiration and instruction

Some resources to make it easier to find typographic inspiration and instruction

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Amazon allowing CSS customization

Amazon announced that their aStore product would allow full customization of the look and feel via CSS

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Don’t Design on Spec

Respect yourself, and don't do throw-away work for bids.

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Give Me Some Zzzzz’s—a look at z-index

A little tour and explore the possibilities that the CSS z-index property has to offer

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