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Fancy Menu: CSS and JS fun

Guillermo Rauch is a sixteen year old hacker who created a fancy menu using CSS and JavaScript based on mootools.

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Adobe Launches Apollo, Alpha Version

Adobe will launch the first public alpha version of its Apollo platform later tonight

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Are Web Interfaces “Good Enough”?

We have been talking about how the desktop and web experiences are converging, and Jeff Atwood is asking

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Photos of 37signals HQ

Take peek inside the awesomeness that is 37signals.

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Unobtrusive connected select boxes - yet another solution approach

A nice idea developed by Christian Heilmann and Bradley Wright.

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CSSFly is a web 2.0 tool for easy editing websites direct and in real-time in your browser.

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Why Bother with Web Accessibility?

This presentation will help you see the value of web accessibility and why it makes sense for you, as a web developer, and why it is a must-have for your clients.

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CSS Play: Return of the image map

A new slant on the original image map technique showing speech bubbles with embedded links.

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