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Design News

Using Illustrations in WebDesign: 30 Creative Examples

30 beautiful web designs that feature creative illustrations, integrated properly to create a visually pleasing effect.

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Architect Day: Querkraft

Querkraft shows a conceptual strength since the creation of the name until the last doodle at the sketch board.

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HTML 5 link prefetching

HTML5's rel="prefetch" attribute extends the concept of image preloading to HTML content as well.

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SEO Web Design

Moni does it again and again. Signing with Marvel was not enough for this guy, he know signs with SONY! Bam!

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Google Chrome extensions for developers

A list of developer related extensions for Chrome, such as "SpeedTracer", "Inline Code Finder", and the beloved "Web developer" extension.

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30 Unique Logo Designs That Actually Say Something

Today, we focused on logos that use creative methods to represent the brand through color, shapes, and typography.

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12 Useful Web Based Twitter Tools!

Third party Twitter applications that are both useful and fun.

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35 downloadable Icon sets of 2010

A nice round up of some new 2010 icons, covering RSS, social media, and office related icons.

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