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Freely downloadable quality fonts

A list of freely downloadable fonts

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Coloring text-decoration

Bite Size Standards on coloring your text-decoration

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Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and more

A list of Ajax, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, RSS, XML as well as ASP, C++, Perl, Python and Java tutorials.

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Simple PHP randomizer

Roger Johansson explains how he randomized books and music albums that are displayed on his site

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Interview with the creative mind behind “design fckr”

I had the opportunity this past weekend to interview Alex of 'dfckr' about his latest and greatest creation

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Mobile access - the next big accessibility barrier?

The issues that may face users with so much emerging mobile and wireless technology

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The 8 types of bad creative critics

A hilarious illustration that highlights the eight types of bad creative critics

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HTML 4.5 Anyone?

Andy Budd on being interested to hear what UI elements you think are missing

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