Design News
Safari 3.1 released
The new release adds support for CSS 3 web fonts, broader SVG images capability , and offline storage for Web applications in SQL databases.
PSD Tuts - Create Metal Surface
How to create the brushed aluminum texture similar to the Apple products.
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Stamp Image
Tutorial shows you 'the easiest way' to create a stamp image with Photoshop.
25 Ways To Improve Your Site In 5 Minutes
Got 5 minutes to improve your site?
Silverback icon walk thru
A walk through of how Hicksdesign created the impressive Silverbackapp gorilla icon image.
Mastering Your WordPress Theme Hacks and Techniques
Throughout this article, we will focus on many WordPress Theme hacks, ideas, tips and useful tutorials you need to have ready in hand when developing WordPress websites.
Potential Add-Ons for Web Designers
Most web designers and web design firms have an interest in finding alternate sources of revenue in addition to providing design and development services for clients.
IzzyMenu - Free CSS Menu Builder
Create professional CSS/DHTML Menu in a minute.