Design News
Fade In Content viewer
A jQuery based script that turns ordinary contents wrapped around DIV tags into a series of interactive, faded in contents
The importance of using lists for navigation
The importance of using lists for navigation when it comes to accessibility, semantics and flexibility.
47+ Excellent Ajax CSS Forms
This is a blog listing over 47 references of different Ajax CSS forms. Very helpful for beginner and advanced Ajax developers
Re: CSS Unworking Group
Jeffrey Zeldman comments back at Andy Clarke's post demanding the CSS Working Group disband.
CSS Unworking Group
Andy Clarke goes off on an early morning rant ... following Opera's action he calls to immediately disband the CSS Working Group in its current form
Collected CSS Wisdom: 9 Points of Debate
Nine points of potential discussion regarding optimal use and organization of CSS.
11 Stock Photo Cliches
Review of 11 overused stock photography cliches
CSS for Accessibility
Simple ways in which you can use CSS to improve the usability and accessibility of your site.