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One CSS Hack To Rule Them All

A lightweight way to hide CSS hacks from IE6

Your Votes: 4 Yays  7 Nays

Understanding CSS clip

The CSS clip property has to be one of the least used properties in CSS, probably because no one really knows when to use it.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  2 Nays

Flash Simple portfolio site

Impressive, fully Flash based portfolio site of Brendan Murphy. I wonder at what expense in terms of human and search engine accessibility though.

Your Votes: 8 Yays  19 Nays

Charts And Graphs: Modern Solutions

Tools, applications and techniques for visualizing data in charts and graphs.

Your Votes: 10 Yays  4 Nays

CJS IE JavaScript debugger

Companion.JS is a comprehensive Javascript debugger for IE. Requires that Microsoft Script Debugger is installed first btw.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  0 Nays

Photoshop Smart Objects

Tutorial on how to make the most out of smart objects in Photoshop.

Your Votes: 8 Yays  6 Nays

AIM Iconography Contest

The AIM Design Group is going to let their readers, users, and the like, help design some icons for the IM app

Your Votes: 11 Yays  4 Nays

Findings From the Web Design Survey

Close to 33,000 web professionals answered the survey's 37 questions, providing the first data ever collected on the business of web design and development.

Your Votes: 9 Yays  2 Nays

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