Design News
Browser Tests, Services and Compatibility Test Suites
Some useful services, web-tools and applications you can use to keep an eye on the cross-browser presentation of your site
Yahoo Search Just Got Smarter
Yahoo goes live with new search enhancements that include Yahoo!'s Search Assist and Yahoo! Shortcuts.
Gradients, Shadows and Rounded Corners using just CSS
Design Vitality's article on how to substitute your images for a pure CSS solution.
Ultimate Web Developer Lists
Collection of useful web developer round ups
CSS Drive reloaded!
Well, as you can see, CSS Drive has a new face! Read on for a quick walkthru of what's new.
Introducting the CSS Eleven
An international group of visual designers and developers who are committed to helping the W3C's CSS working group
Sass-y Dynamic CSS
Geoffrey Grosenbach gets all funky when he discusses dynamic CSS using the Sass engine that comes with HAML.
Introducing YUI - The Rising Giant
Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) has yet not gained popularity similar to, Prototype or Mootools.